
Example Installations of Outerpull products and what our customers are saying about Outerpull products

"The Dyno latch is a huge improvement over our old gate latch! It looks fantastic, adds to the curb appeal of the home, and it functions beautifully. Our kids love it and feel empowered when they can open and close the gate  to help out when we are doing garden projects between the front and back yards. The handle is sleek and solid and there is a very satisfying click you hear when the gate swings closed and latches behind you." 

Corin W. - Portland, OR

"It works awesome. Our old latch took lots of manual intervention & our kids could never figure it out...which meant the dog would get loose on a regular basis."

Jon - Seattle, WA

"It looks fantastic, we love it! I have a music studio in my back yard where I record, give lessons and reherse so I have a lot of different people passing through. It's so nice to have a beautiful, intuitive latch."

- Merideth T. - Portland, OR

"I used to have this push button latch that didn't always work, this is just easier and it looks way better."

"This latch is sick, we're pretty fired up on using them." Lukas (Cascade Fence and Deck) - Vancouver, WA